
Apple Launches Subscriptions on the App Store Apple、App Storeでサブスクリプションを開始


CUPERTINO, California—February 15, 2011—Apple® today announced a new subscription service available to all publishers of content-based apps on the App Store℠, including magazines, newspapers, video, music, etc. This is the same innovative digital subscription billing service that Apple recently launched with News Corp.’s “The Daily” app.
Subscriptions purchased from within the App Store will be sold using the same App Store billing system that has been used to buy billions of apps and In-App Purchases. Publishers set the price and length of subscription (weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, bi-yearly or yearly). Then with one-click, customers pick the length of subscription and are automatically charged based on their chosen length of commitment (weekly, monthly, etc.). Customers can review and manage all of their subscriptions from their personal account page, including canceling the automatic renewal of a subscription. Apple processes all payments, keeping the same 30 percent share that it does today for other In-App Purchases.
“Our philosophy is simple—when Apple brings a new subscriber to the app, Apple earns a 30 percent share; when the publisher brings an existing or new subscriber to the app, the publisher keeps 100 percent and Apple earns nothing,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “All we require is that, if a publisher is making a subscription offer outside of the app, the same (or better) offer be made inside the app, so that customers can easily subscribe with one-click right in the app. We believe that this innovative subscription service will provide publishers with a brand new opportunity to expand digital access to their content onto the iPad, iPod touch and iPhone, delighting both new and existing subscribers.”
Publishers who use Apple’s subscription service in their app can also leverage other methods for acquiring digital subscribers outside of the app. For example, publishers can sell digital subscriptions on their web sites, or can choose to provide free access to existing subscribers. Since Apple is not involved in these transactions, there is no revenue sharing or exchange of customer information with Apple. Publishers must provide their own authentication process inside the app for subscribers that have signed up outside of the app. However, Apple does require that if a publisher chooses to sell a digital subscription separately outside of the app, that same subscription offer must be made available, at the same price or less, to customers who wish to subscribe from within the app. In addition, publishers may no longer provide links in their apps (to a web site, for example) which allow the customer to purchase content or subscriptions outside of the app.
Protecting customer privacy is a key feature of all App Store transactions. Customers purchasing a subscription through the App Store will be given the option of providing the publisher with their name, email address and zip code when they subscribe. The use of such information will be governed by the publisher’s privacy policy rather than Apple’s. Publishers may seek additional information from App Store customers provided those customers are given a clear choice, and are informed that any additional information will be handled under the publisher’s privacy policy rather than Apple’s.
The revolutionary App Store offers more than 350,000 apps to consumers in 90 countries, with more than 60,000 native iPad™ apps. Customers of the more than 160 million iOS devices around the world can choose from an incredible range of apps in 20 categories, including games, business, news, sports, health, reference and travel.
Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork, and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple is reinventing the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced its magical iPad which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.
Press Contacts:
Trudy Muller
(408) 862-7426
Tom Neumayr
(408) 974-1972

2011年2月16日、Apple®は本日、App Store℠で雑誌、新聞、ビデオ、音楽などのコンテンツ系アプリケーションを配信する全てのパブリッシャーを対象とする新しいサブスクリプション(購読)サービスを発表しました。これは最近、News Corp.の“The Daily”アプリケーションに対してAppleが提供した画期的なデジタルサブスクリプション課金サービスと同じものです。
App Store内で購入されるサブスクリプションは、これまで何十億のアプリケーションの購入とIn-App Purchase(アプリケーション内課金)に利用されてきたものと同じApp Storeの課金システムとを通じて販売されます。パブリッシャーは価格とサブスクリプションの継続期間(週、月、隔月、三ヶ月、半年、一年)を設定します。購読者はサブスクリプションの継続期間をワンクリックで選択すると、その期間に応じて自動的に請求が行われます。
購読者は自分のアカウントページで購読中のサブスクリプションをまとめて確認・管理することが可能で、サブスクリプションの自動継続をキャンセルすることもできます。このサブスクリプションに関わる支払い手続きはすべてAppleが処理し、現在のIn-App Purchaseと同様、30%を得ます。
Appleではこの画期的なサブスクリプションサービスが、パブリッシャーの皆様のコンテンツをiPad、iPod touch、iPhoneに向けてより広くデジタルで提供するまったく新しい機会となり、新規および既存の購読者の皆様にも喜んでいただけるものと確信しています。」と、AppleのCEO(最高経営責任者)、スティーブ・ジョブズは述べています。
App Storeを通じて行われる全ての取引において、顧客のプライバシーを守ることは、非常に重要な事項です。App Storeを通じてサブスクリプションを購入するお客様は購読時に、自分の名前、メールアドレス、郵便番号をパブリッシャーに提供するか否かを選択することができます。
これらの個人情報の利用方法はパブリッシャーのプライバシーポリシーによって管理され、Appleによるものではありません。パブリッシャーはApp Storeの顧客に付加的な情報の提供を求めることも可能ですが、その際には顧客に明確な選択権が与えられ、そのようにしてパブリッシャーに提供された情報は、Appleではなく、パブリッシャーのプライバシーポリシーによって運用されると事前に伝えられることが前提になります。
革新的なApp Storeは世界90カ国でiPhone、iPod touchそしてiPadのユーザに向けて35万種類以上のアプリケーションを提供しており、iPad用のネイティブアプリケーションの数も6万種類以上におよんでいます。累計出荷台数1億6000万台以上のiOSデバイスを使う世界中のユーザはゲーム、ビジネス、ニュース、スポーツ、健康、リファレンスそして旅行を含む20のカテゴリーの広い範囲からアプリケーションを選ぶことができます。